Clark County Municipal Court cases

Cases called include:

Naasirah K. Akram, 28, of 2024 Broadway St., criminal damaging, innocent, continued, NAPT.

Robert S. Coffee, 43, of 2107 S. Yellow Spings St., guilty, bond $25,000.

Conscious M. Couch, 18, of 2112 Morgan Ave., criminal trespass, innocent, continued, NAPT.

Wayne P. Fannin, 64, of Fairborn, OH, OVI, continued, marked lanes, continued.

Donald M. Greeno, 26, of 318 N. Clairmont, bench warrant served-defendant jailed, guilty, bond $5,000.

Donald M. Greeno, 26, of 318 N. Clairmont, bench warrant returned from Clark County Sheriff’s Office, dismissed, bond $1,000.

Donald M. Greeno, 26, of 318 N. Clairmont, bench warrant returned from Clark County Sheriff’s Office, guilty, bond $5,000, bench warrant returned from Clark County Sheriff’s Office, guilty, bond $5,000.

Donald M. Greeno, 26, flee/elude police officer, continued, PD appointed, bond $5,000.

Matthew S. Gregory, 44, of 833 W. North St., theft, innocent, continued, NAPT.

Christopher M. Money, 28, of New Carlisle, OH, telecommunications harassment, innocent, continued, PD appointed, no contact condition of bond, OR bond.

Destiney Oppy, 24, of South Charleston, OH, bench warrant served-defendant jailed, guilty, bond $1,000.

Tecko B. Peterson, 43, of 1716 Salem Ave., DUS, dismissed - prosecutor request, tail light provision, dismissed - prosecutor request.

Derrick R. J. Ramey, 39, of 745 Villa Road Apt 145, assault, innocent, continued, PD appointed, no contact condition of bond, OR bond.

Rebecca D. Rardon, 20, of 1032 Garfield Ave., request for bail, innocent, continued, waiver signed, bond set at no bond.

Brandon M. Scott, 31, of Highland, OH, violation of TPO, innocent, continued, PD appointed, no contact condition of bond, OR bond.

Dustin R. Sloan, 37, of 1932 Jordan Drive Apt D, bench warrant returned from Clark County Sheriff’s Office, guilty.

Jesse J. Whitehead, 29, of 1468 S. Burnett Rd., immunity prohibited condition, innocent, continued, NAPT.

Tracy L. Wright, 46, burglary, continued, PD appointed, no contact condition of bond, bond $10,000.