Misty D. Harmon, 34, burglary, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500.
Adam James Howard, 36, burglary, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500.
Joshua T. Jones, 25, of 7756 Springfield Jamestown Road, inducing panic, continued, PD appointed, bond $10,000.
Mark F. Rafferty, 56, of 3509 Bosart Road, guilty, guilty.
Christian Lee Stevens, 24, of 2650 E. High St. #140, violation of TPO, continued, no contact, PD appointed, bond $5,000.
Timothy J. Triplett, 47, menacing by stalking, dismissed - indicted.
Lamont Morgan Wiggins, 28, of 1044 Sherman Avenue, warrant returned from Springfield Police Division, guilty, or bond.
Jason R. Caroppoli, 38, of 550 W. Parkwood Ave., felonious assault/weapon, dismissed - prosecutor request, receiving stolen property, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Landon Clark, 18, of South Charleston, OH, offenses/underage persons, guilty, 90 days of jail with 90 days suspended, no further offenses/pay F and C, fined $50.
Jennifer L. Cochran, 39, of 3864 W. National Road, OVI, guilty, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, 160 days of jail with 157 days suspended, 3 days credit for time served, no further offenses/pay F and C, fined $500.
Conscious M. Couch, 18, of 2112 Morgan Ave., criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered.
Brian D. Deyo, 34, of 1345 Vester Ave. Apt. F, assault, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Broedy Grim, 23, of Urbana, OH, trespass/lands border ponds, guilty.
Jeffrey Alan Hodson, 36, of 522 E. Madison Ave., ovi, bench warrant ordered, head lights, bench warrant ordered.
Jack E. Mauer, 30, of Akron, OH, violation of TPO, dismissed, violation of TPO/CPO, dismissed.
Madison L. Stanley, 19, of Jamestown, OH, endangering children, guilty, 90 days of jail with 90 days suspended, 12 months of probation, ISP probation.
Cody J. Hatfield, 26, attempt, dismissed - indicted, felonious assault, dismissed - indicted, tamper with evidence, dismissed - indicted.
Joseph Johnson, 44, felonious assault, dismissed - indicted.
Caleb Matthew Rowland, 20, of 130 S Delta Rd Apt B, falsification, dismissed, obstructing official business, dismissed, f/disclose own per. info, guilty, 25 days of jail, 25 days jail, CTS.
Courtney Michelle Self, 30, of 504 E. Southern Ave., theft, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Terry W. Stockman, 63, of 1361 Emery Ave., theft, guilty, 180 days jail with CTS-subject to mod after ISP evaluation.
Cain A. Weimer, 18, of 216 Light St., aggravated menacing, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Daniel Williams, 23, of Dayton, OH, OVI, bench warrant ordered, OVI/breath, bench warrant ordered, DUS, bench warrant ordered, speed, bench warrant ordered.
Mark F. Rafferty, 56, of 3509 Bosart Road, guilty, guilty.
Ethan C. Cochran, 30, of 418 N. Western Ave., disorderly conduct, bench warrant ordered.
Dustan Dean Conley, 26, aggravated robbery, dismissed - prosecutor request, felonious assault, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Garry A. Garrison, 69, of 1266 Oakleaf Ave., OVI, guilty, 60 days of jail with 57 days suspended, 12 months of probation, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, 60 days jail, 57 stayed, 3 days CTS for DIP, fined $375, OVI/breath, dismissed, left of center, dismissed.
Joe K. Gohl, 25, of 1730 Rutland Ave., weapons under disability, dismissed - indicted, firearms in motor vehicle, dismissed - indicted, carry concealed weapon, dismissed - indicted.
Arrasheed S. Hardy, 26, of Columbus, OH, DUS OVI suspension, dismissed - prosecutor request, DUS, dismissed - prosecutor request, drive without valid license, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Ethan C. Hartman, 28, of Dayton, OH, criminal trespass, guilty, fined $150.
Timothy J. Oppy, 43, of 531 Vine St., OVI/breath, bench warrant ordered, 60 days of jail with 57 days suspended, 12 months of probation, 12 months of probation, 60 days jail, 57 days suspension, 3 days CTS for DIP.
Mercedes Palmer, 24, of 1840 Morgan St, OVI/breath, dismissed, DUS, dismissed, speed for conditions, dismissed, operating without use all seatbelts, dismissed.
Christy Jo Stiltner, 24, of South Vienna, OH, theft, continued, possess drug abuse instr., bench warrant ordered.