Clark County Municipal Court cases

Cases called included:

Danny R. Bowshier, 39, of 732 Stanton Ave., criminal damaging, innocent, continued, no contact condition of bond, released on own recognizance bond.

James D. Casey, 55, of 2712 Dorothy Lane, theft, innocent, continued, bond $2,000, theft, continued, public defender appointed, bond $2,500.

Michael J. Ferrellamar, 26, of 1168 S. Western Ave., flee/elude police officer, continued, bond $10,000.

Markevis L. Fisher, 36, of 453 Selma Road, OVI, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,000.

Christopher A. Giles, 46, of 1522 W. Main St., theft, continued, public defender appointed, bond $1,000.

Christopher A. Giles, 46, of 1213 Beverly Ave., theft, continued, public defender appointed, bond $1,000, theft, continued, public defender appointed, bond $1,000.

Christopher A. Giles, 46, of 1203 Beverly, theft, innocent, continued, bond $2,500, theft, innocent, continued, bond $2,500.

Christopher A. Giles, 46, of 1213 Beverly Ave., theft, continued, public defender appointed, bond $1,000.

Samantha R. Hamilton, 24, assault, continued, public defender appointed, bond $1,000, criminal trespass, continued, possession of criminal tools, continued, public defender appointed, bond $1,000, theft, continued, theft, continued, public defender appointed, bond $1,000, assault, continued, public defender appointed, bond $1,000, theft, continued, theft, continued, public defender appointed, bond $1,000, theft, continued, public defender appointed, bond $1,000, theft, continued, public defender appointed, bond $1,000.

Chris R. Johnson, 36, of 1116 Mason St., criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered, bond $1,000.

Shaniece L. Johnson, 24, of Dayton, assault, continued, released on own recognizance bond.

Christopher R. Neal, 41, harassment by inmate, continued, public defender appointed, bond $2,500.

Christopher R. Neal, 41, of 1205 W. High St., bench warrant served deft jailed, guilty, bond $5,000, guilty.

Jimmy L. Pressey, 53, theft, innocent, continued, public defender appointed, bond $1,000, theft, innocent, continued, public defender appointed, bond $1,000.

Justin S. Price, 45, aggravated menacing, bench warrant ordered, bond $1,500.

Brock J. Raines, 43, of 2182 Ballentine Pike, criminal trespass, innocent, continued, released on own recognizance bond.

Justin L. Wallace Sr., 43, of 1021 Innisfallen Ave., receiving stolen property, continued, public defender appointed, bond $5,000.

Justin L. Wallace Sr., 43, of 241 S. Yellow Springs, Apt. 10, warrant served deft jailed, guilty, bond $7,500.