Festival officials have said the festival could stay in Utah in Salt Lake City.
Should the Utah proposal ultimately win out, the headquarters hotel would move to Salt Lake City, some 25 miles away, but Park City would retain screenings and substantive activations through 2037, according to Dan Howard, Vice President of Communications, Visit Park City.
There are two other finalists in the mix: Boulder, Colorado and Cincinnati.
• Background: The Sundance Film Festival is an annual film festival that takes place in January which offers screenings of independent films from around the world.
• Why is it leaving? Park City is a small town and officials say they have outgrown it. It is also very expensive for festival goers to travel to and stay there.
• What they are looking for: Sundance leaders are looking for a more centralized location that is easier to get to and be more affordable both for those participating and also for those attending as independent film fans.
• Utah wants it to stay: According to the Associated Press, Utah Governor Spencer Cox has said that his state would not offer up as much money as the other states trying to lure it away. The Utah Legislature is trying to $3 million in their budget for the film festival in their effort to keep it in Utah.
Credit: NYT
Credit: NYT
• What other cities are offering: Colorado has approved $1.5 million in funds and other tax incentives. Cincinnati has approved a resolution allocating $2.5 million to the festival if it relocates.
• When a decision may be made: The independent film festival is expected to announce their decision on a home for the next decade within the next few weeks.
• Economic Impact: The 2023 festival generated about $132 million for the state of Utah, according to Sundance’s 2024 economic impact report.
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