Payroll Project: Miami County’s highest paid employees

County Commissioners (from left) Ted Mercer, Gregory Simmons and Wade Westfall, work with county administrator Charlotte Colley to lead the Miami County government.

County Commissioners (from left) Ted Mercer, Gregory Simmons and Wade Westfall, work with county administrator Charlotte Colley to lead the Miami County government.

Miami County paid 25 employees more than $100,000 each in 2022, according to the Payroll Project, an annual reporting project from the Dayton Daily News.

The sheriff’s department had five six-figure salaries, more than any other department.

The voting and taxpaying public is the employer for government agencies. As with any other employer, the public has not just a right but a responsibility to know how much its employees are paid in the interest of good stewardship.

Go here for a searchable database of state and local government pay across our region.

The highest paid Miami County employees in 2022 were:

1. Steven Layman, public defender: $164,298

2. Paul Huelskamp, county engineer: $161,808

3. Anthony Kendell, county prosecutor: $148,151

4. David Norman, sheriff’s office captain (retired/rehired): $142,894

5. Charlotte Colley, county administrator: $134,968

6. Dennis Propes, health commissioner: $131,556

7. Evan Anderson, deputy auditor-Information Technology: $126,073

8. Adam Emswiller, deputy auditor-Information Technology: $125,100

9. Terri Becker, executive director of the Tri-County Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services: $121,344

10. J. Myers, executive director of the park district: $118,029

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