STRAIGHT TALK COLUMN: Deciding on which oil is best

Bob S. asked: “I have a Chevrolet Equinox and recently took it to a new oil change shop in my area. My owner’s manual stated that the SUV requires SAE 5W-30 oil and that was what I requested. I was surprised that I was given three choices, each with a different price:

  • Option #1 — “regular” oil — This was the lowest price option
  • Option #2 — A synthetic oil blend — A slightly higher price
  • Option #3 — Full synthetic — This was the highest priced option

I selected option #1 because I am trying to save money. I was also concerned that if I selected a synthetic oil that I would have to continue to use a synthetic oil. What are your thoughts or ideas as to what I should do in the future? Thanks”.

Halderman: I think you made the correct decision if the “regular” oil was approved by General Motors who specifies that oil used in Buicks, Cadillacs, Chevrolets, and GMC vehicles adhere the dexos (lower case d) standard. It is not true that once a synthetic oil is used, it must be used in the future.

All engine oils are miscible, meaning that the various oils can be intermixed, as in the synthetic blend as in option #2. If the first number in the viscosity is a 0 such as in SAE 0W-20, the oil has to be synthetic in order to meet the specifications for that grade.

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