Chronicling the making of the classic 1972 Academy Award-winning film “The Godfather,” “The Offer” introduces Brando, often heralded as the greatest actor of his generation, in Episode 4. Producer Albert Ruddy (Miles Teller) and director Francis Ford Coppola (Dan Fogler) pay a visit to Brando’s home to see if he’s interested in portraying Vito Corleone. Impressively capturing the icon’s voice and effectively transforming into Corleone with the aid of tissues and shoe polish, Chambers convincingly seals the deal.
“From the moment that Justin Chambers went and sat down as Marlon Brando, he just rocked it out,” said Nikki Toscano, showrunner and executive producer in a behind-the-scenes featurette following Episode 4.
“He was quite open about wanting to honor the two legends that he was taking on – this legendary performance and the legendary actor that was responsible for it,” said director Adam Arkin. “In Justin’s case, it really was like a double transformation he had to make because he had to take on becoming Brando, and then, as Brando, transform himself into Vito Corleone. Both of those things he does quite masterfully.”
Chambers, a Southeastern High School graduate, studied acting at New York’s HB Studio and Ron Stetson Studios. He also had a successful modeling career with such brands as Calvin Klein, Armani and Dolce & Gabbana. He is a recipient of a Screen Actors Guild Award and People’s Choice Award.
In 1993, he married Keisha Chambers and they have five children. His parents, Pamela Sue and John, were both deputy sheriffs and still reside in Clark County.
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