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Glickler Funeral Home & Cremation Service
1849 Salem Ave
Dayton, OH
Chinchar, S.M., Fr. Gerald T.
FR. GERALD T. CHINCHAR, S.M. Died in the service of the Blessed Virgin Mary on October 28, 2023, at the age of 80 and with 61 years of vowed life. He was the last of five children born to Matthew and Anna (Vojtko) Chinchar on October 9, 1943, in Cleveland, OH. After completing Grade School at Holy Cross in Euclid, OH, he attended St. Joseph H.S., before entering the Marianist Novitiate in Marcy, NY and professed his First Vows on August 22, 1962. He began Scholasticate studies at University of Dayton, where he earned a BA in Theology in 1966. On August 13, 1967 Jerry made his Perpetual Vows in Dayton, OH. He also holds MA Degrees in Liturgy and Scripture from St. John's University, Collegeville, MN, Notre Dame University, and also a MDiv from St. Michael's College in Toronto, Canada, earned just before his Ordination in Dayton, OH on May 29, 1982. In his spare time between teaching and serving as a chaplain on the University of Dayton Campus Ministry team, he managed to complete a Doctor of Ministry degree from United Theological Seminary, also in Dayton. Fr. Jerry was a proud Clevelander, a liturgist, catechist, a published composer and musician, and a Marianist religious for over 60 years. As a Campus Minister for 31 years, he was the Univ. of Dayton's catechist directing/teaching the RCIA and Confirmation programs, the 24/7 "priest on call" for student emergencies (long hospital stays, deaths), and known as "the Techno Priest" (word-processing whiz, designing worship aids, and started the first website for Campus Ministry and other liturgical organizations. The study and celebration of the Liturgy was his highest ministerial love. He would say that throughout his entire journey, the living of the consecrated life in a community has shaped the way he responded to Mary's inspirational words: "Do whatever He tells you." "It is my hope that the efforts I have put into Marianist ministry across the years has indeed been for the glory of the Most Holy Trinity, the honor of Mary, and for the salvation of the world." Fr. Jerry continued living in that same spirit throughout his last six years in San Antonio's Marianist Residence where he was challenged with Parkinson's and other health Issues. Fr. Jerry, may you finally Rest in Peace! In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Marianist Mission, Mt. St. John, 4435 East Patterson Road, Dayton, OH, 45430-1033 or The Parkinson's Foundation. Funeral Arrangements: Saturday, November 11, 2023 9:00 AM VIEWING 10:30 AM FUNERAL MASS Queen of Apostles Chapel, 4435 East Patterson Road, Dayton OH 45430 Funeral Mass Live-Streamed @: Glickler Funeral Home handling arrangements.
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Funeral Home Information
Glickler Funeral Home & Cremation Service
1849 Salem Ave
Dayton, OH