JACKSON, Marian Carroll
Marian Carroll Jackson, died peacefully in her sleep in
Chesterfield, Missouri, on
November 19, 2020, at 94 years. Marian was born to Scott and Olive Carroll and grew up on a farm in central Ohio. She graduated from
Miami University and earned a Master of Medical Dietetics from The Ohio State University. She met Edward Jackson at
Miami and they married in 1950. Deciding Oxford was a perfect place for a family, they soon returned to raise daughters Nancy (Garry) Rains of Kinston, NC; Carol (Steve) Boriss of Chesterfield, MO; Martha Jackson of Cincinnati; and Amy (Jeff) Wales of Frankenmuth, MI. Marian dearly loved her five granddaughters and four great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her parents and two brothers. Ed, her husband of 64 happy years, died in 2014. Marian was a teacher and Director of Miami's Hanna House Nursery School for many years. She enjoyed serving in the Oxford United Methodist Church and delivering Meals on Wheels. A special calling was sewing hundreds of school bags for needy children as a Church Women United project. She truly lived to help others! Marian and Ed were "Oxford
Couple of the Years" in 2000. Marian loved planning family camping trips and traveling the world with Ed in retirement. Her home was always filled with delicious food, beautiful flowers, welcome guests, and lots of love. Her strong Christian faith guided her family for generations. A cheerful smile and deep sense of gratitude were always evident, even on the
final day of her earthly life. Hers was a life well lived. A future graveside service to remember and give thanks for Marian will be held in Oxford. Ogle and Paul R Young Funeral Home is serving the family.