HEMMELGARN, Roxanne Marie Framme
Age 82, of Kettering, passed away October 22, 2021.
Roxanne was born on December 22, 1938, in Dayton, the daughter of Richard and
Blanche Stafford Framme. She graduated from the Academy of the Immaculate Conception in Oldenburg, Indiana, in 1956, attended the University of
Dayton and graduated from Sinclair College in 1985. Roxanne was devoted to her family, church, and community. As a member of Precious Blood Catholic Church, she was active in the former Rosary Altar Society, PTA, as a school aide, and as a Eucharistic Minister and Lector. She was also Membership Chairperson and Leader Trainer for the North Area of Dayton for the Campfire Girls, member of the Englewood Hills Little League Auxiliary, Newsletter Editor for the Northmont Soccer Parents Assoc., and in many other activities that involved her children. She also was a Newsletter Editor for the Greater Dayton Jaycee Wives Club and a Representative to the Dayton Federation of Women's Clubs.
After moving to Kettering in 1992, she became a member of the Church of Incarnation and their Worship Committee and Chairperson for the Eucharistic Ministers for their homebound parishioners, a volunteer for the Pastoral Care Department of Good Samaritan Hospital and a Woodland Angel Volunteer for the Woodland Cemetery Arboretum.
Since 2000, Roxanne was a parishioner and choir member of St. Monica - St. George Parish in Cincinnati, OH. She also
attended Masses at St. Francis Seraph Parish. She had a strong faith but worked to improve the Church. She was a member of Voice of the Faithful and Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP). She actively championed change
including supporting Roman Catholic Womenpriests, advocating women's rights and supporting those in need.
Roxanne was active in Family Genealogy and had written 8 histories for the Mercer County, OH, History Book of 1978 and 12 histories for the Montgomery County, OH, History Book of 1989. She was a member of Genealogy Societies and had documented and been accepted in their First Families
Membership for 2 Ancestral Families of Montgomery County, 5 First Families of Miami County and 2 First Families and 1
Pioneer Family of Clark County (and helped her husband
receive membership as a First Family Member of Mercer County for 8 Ancestral Families). She was a member of the Brookville Historical Society, Dayton Civil War Round Table, Stillwater Civil War Round Table, the Dayton Woman's Club, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Jonathan Wright Chapter, National Society Daughters of the Union - Samuel West Chapter, National Society Daughters of 1812 General William Henry Harrison Chapter, and the
Lincoln Society of Dayton, OH.
Preceded in death by her parents and brothers Joseph Stafford Framme and John Richard Framme. She is survived by Carl Norbert Hemmelgarn, her husband of 60 years, her three children and their families: Ted and Elaine Hemmelgarn and children Ben and Samantha (Dan Melcher) of Hamilton, OH, Elizabeth Hemmelgarn and daughter Justine and granddaughter Violet of Cincinnati, OH, and Katheryn and Shaheen Kazemi and children Leila and Armeen of Cincinnati, OH. Also survived by her sister Annette Sincock and children JR (Yoshika and Sam) and Alicia (Patrick and Philip Pelland) of Torrance, CA; sister and her husband Mary Helen and Rick Pierce of Cascade, MT; and sisters-in-law Cyndi Framme of San Luis Obispo, CA, and Marjorie Framme Caporal of Dayton, OH; and then numerous cousins on the Stafford, Framme,
Moorman and Hemmelgarn family trees for whom she organized many a family reunion.
Memorial Service and a Celebration of Life will be held at a future date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to these organizations:
Venice on Vine (https://veniceonvine.com), 1301 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202.
Saint Francis Seraph Ministries (https://sfsministries.org/), 1615 Republic Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202.
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