Alex Morgan 'sips' tea after goal

Credit: DaytonDailyNews

The US Women's national soccer team is going to the World Cup final, but it's a single moment during the game that has some people steeping with anger.

Morgan scored, giving the U.S. the lead in the semifinal match Tuesday and then stopped to take a sip of imaginary tea as she ran to the sidelines, Reuters reported.

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It's that simple mime that has fans on both sides of the pond debating on whether it was appropriate.

"I could be wrong but it's based upon playing against England and we love our tea in England. I'm not a tea drinker but that's what we're connected with so I think it's a little bit distasteful," Lianne Sanderson said.



Morgan defended her tea sip heard around the soccer world saying, "I wanted to keep it interesting. I know Megan Rapinoe has the best celebration. I had to try and step up this game.

"I feel like this team has had so much thrown at them and us. I feel like we didn't take an easy route through this tournament and 'that's the tea.'"

Many media outlets are pointing out the timing of the tea sip, the fact that it was only two days before Independence Day, Time reported. It also reminded some of the Boston Tea Party.

The sip celebration also came on Morgan's 30th birthday.

Some fans from England either weren't too happy about the celebration itself but took it with a grain of salt (or would that be a cube of sugar?).

What do you think? Was the tea sip inappropriate? Take part in our poll below.


Credit: DaytonDailyNews

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