All cases are up-to-date.
Marriage license:
Christopher Thurman Brown, 39, of Springfield, finished goods supervisor and Lauren Nichole Brown, 33, of Springfield, office manager.
Retina Faye Davis, 55, of Springfield, healthcare and Michael James Hall, 60, of Dayton, weather tech.
Katheryn McCall Carmichael, 29, of Springfield, nurse practitioner and Wyndell James Morris, 30, Cedar Park, Tex., student’s director.
Natasha Marie Callison, 28, of New Carlisle, dental assistant and Cole James Perkins, 26, of New Carlisle, labor.
Property transfers:
Alyssa R. Greene to Nathan Shelton and Alyssa R. Greene, 516 N. Church St., New Carlisle; no fee
Marian S. G. Gochenour to Thomas and Marian Stabler Gillam Faris, 2620 Fox Hollow Road, Springfield; no fee
Rowenia M. Sodders to Lee E. Foster, 2157 Elderwood Road, Springfield; $158,000
Cassandra M. and Arthur A. Solomon to Nathan M. Taylor, 3421 Colonial Dr., Springfield; $249,000
Rebecca and Michael Lee Shope to Kathleen M. and Michael F. Adamson, 2564 Leon Lane, Springfield; $255,000
Walter L. and Pamela J. Raines to Hanjo Holdings LLC, 2182 Ballentine Pk., Springfield; no fee