Behind the lens: News-Sun photographer on raindrops and butterflies

‘Transformation’ mural the perfect setting for a wet-weather picture in Springfield.

Credit: Bill Lackey

Credit: Bill Lackey

On Wednesday afternoon, I posted a picture on social media that has received an overwhelming amount of attention, so I thought I’d tell everyone how I did it.

I was driving around Springfield looking for a weather picture on Wednesday, with little success, when I cut through the alley behind the State Theater. As I was passing the “Transformation” butterfly mural, I looked up and noticed for a brief moment I could see dozens of butterflies through the drops of rain on my window.

I immediately stopped and backed up, but the butterflies were gone. I must have driven back and forth a half-dozen times trying to catch the mural at the same angle as before.

I finally got the angle, and the butterflies were back. I tried to focus on the tiny reflections in the drops of water but I was too close, so I climbed into the passenger seat of my car. Not an easy task if you know how big I am and how small my car is.

I then used a short zoom lens on my Canon R6 body and under exposed it a little to get the colors in the butterfly to pop. I took several pictures, until someone came up behind me and wanted to go through the alley.

I have been amazed at the responses people have posted on social media platforms and appreciate the kind words. When I drive around Springfield, I always try to look at things in a different way and from different angles.

(Bill Lackey is an award-winning photographer with more than two dozen years of experience at the News-Sun.)

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