New York Times publishes article with 1 word

A New York Times article published on Friday read only one word: "No."

The one-word sentence was an answer to a much longer headline: "When I'm Mistakenly Put on an Email Chain, Should I Hit 'Reply All' Asking to be Removed?"

The article was written by Daniel Victor and published in the business section of the paper as a "Tech Tip."

The printed edition left approximately 10 or 12 inches of blank space on the page, Geek Wire reported.

A digital version of the piece offered more context via a PDF, in which Victor explained a scenario in which "an innocuous email that you probably don't need lands in your inbox."

"Soon someone inevitably replies (all): 'Please remove me from this email chain.'
"Then another: 'Unsubscribe.'
"Soon, dozens of people are replying­all, sending their fruitless requests to people who are equally annoyed. Notifications on your phone won’t stop buzzing.
"This is known as the dreaded replyallpocalypse."

Read more of Victor's explanation here.

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