NASA says it’s not running a child slave colony on Mars

A NASA spokesman denied on Thursday that the space agency is running a child slave colony on Mars, populating it with kidnapped children.

Radio host Alex Jones, known for presenting conspiracy theories on his show, spoke with guest Robert David Steele about the theory that children were being kidnapped and shipped to Mars to work in labor camps there.

“We actually believe that there is a colony on Mars that is populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space on a 20-year ride,” said Steele. “So that once they get to Mars they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony.”

NASA spokesman Guy Webster denied the existence of any slave colony on Mars, and, in fact, denied that there were any humans on the planet.

“There are no humans on Mars. There are active rovers on Mars. There was a rumor going around last week that there weren’t. There are. But there are no humans.”

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